Dueces Twitch Streamer

Importance of being a part of a community

We are social people and a lot of us are looking for a place that we can call home. A place that we can go to interact on different levels. A community can build you up when a rough season comes along, and, because you will have both, it can celebrate your highlights with you. Finding one is important and should be your #1 priority.

Importance of building a community

As a content creator, you have the opportunity to build your own community. An online community is unique and forms because people come together for being passionate about the same things, not because they are geographically a community. This brings with it various perspectives and diverse backgrounds that provide valuable input and insight. As your Twitch channel grows, people will be attracted to your channel for various reasons, but they will stay for your community. The people who stay, will be a reflection of you and the content you create. This is why it is important to be intentional about the products you put out and who you are.   

Still not convinced?

Ever gone a day without laughing? How about without getting to tell someone about your day? You are a unique person, but you are also human like everyone else, unless you are a bot. Humans are driven towards community and a lot us:

  • Have something to say and want a space to be able to express themselves
  • Want to be a part of something we believe in and contribute to the success
  • Long to be wanted and have a sense of belonging

Having a space for all these things is motivating. Knowing you have a place that supports you, where you can share, laugh, and express yourself in different ways is exciting. It gives you that hope that things will be better once you get to tell your community about your day. Now go find somewhere that you can call home and you are always welcome at DWB’s Ranch.


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